This holiday season my mom surprised me with a DIY project – cupcake bath bombs! In December my mom emailed me and asked if I could bring home some meringue powder at Christmas. My mom is not really a baker. I had no idea what she would need meringue powder for. I definitely wasn’t thinking of bath bombs.

Making these cupcake bath bombs is so easy! And they are so pretty! I cannot get over how darling they are.

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We used Teach Soap basic and moisture rich fizzy bath bomb recipes for the cupcake bases. Both recipes are quick, easy to follow, and hold together very well.

Basic Bath Bomb Recipe
• 1 part citric acid
• 2 parts baking soda
• Witch hazel
• Coloring of your choice
• Fragrance oil or essential oil
• Mold of your choice (we used metal tins – another fun idea is to use sea shells!)

Moisture Rich Fizzy Bath Bomb Recipe
• 1 cup baking soda
• 1/2 cup corn starch
• 1/4 cup epsom salt
• 1/2 cup citric acid
• 2-3/4 tablespoons olive oil (you can use any type of oil)
• 3/4 tablespoon water
• 1-1/2 teaspoon fragrance oil or essential oil
• Coloring of your choice
• Mold of your choice
• We omitted the optional borax

Basically you mix all the ingredients together in a metal or glass bowl. We used a sifter to make sure there were no clumps in the dry ingredients. Very slowly spray in the witch hazel (or wet ingredients) with a water bottle until you reach a good consistency, a little bit like dry cookie dough. The mixture should  stick together when squished into a mold. Pack the bath bomb mixture into molds of your choosing, pop out of molds after a couple of minutes, and let dry overnight.

Visit Teach Soap for more detailed directions.

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We followed Elle & Blair‘s Bath Bomb Icing Recipe.
• 2 1/2 tablespoons dry egg whites or meringue powder (we used meringue powder)
• 4 tablespoons warm distilled water
• 1/4 teaspoons cream of tartar
• 1 1/2 cup powdered sugar (icing sugar)
• 1 tablespoon sodium lauryl sulfate (this is what makes the bath bubbles!)
• 4-6 drops of fragrance
• 4-6 drops of color

Mix meringue powder, water, and sodium lauryl sulfate in a glass or metal bowl. Add remaining ingredients and mix on high for seven minutes or until peaks form. Frost bath bombs however you like and let dry overnight. We used sodium lauryl sulfate as white sprinkles for our cupcakes! Super cute! Don’t they look delicious?!

More detailed directions can also be found on Elle & Blair or Factory Direct Craft.

BathBomb 003BathBomb 004BathBomb 005These cupcake bath bombs are so sweet. And so pretty! And they smell amazing. Thanks for the fun crafternoon mom!